There are many sub plots in The Yellow Wallpaper. This piece seems like a story, with little stories woven Into The text, that only the most advanced and or out of box thinkers could understand. The Yellow Wallpaper is a piece that lets the imagination wonder and sort of lets the reader make up the story plot as you get deeper into the story. With all of this in mind, I have come to conclude, that Jane, or "Gilman" is both the protagonist and antagonist. It would seem like Jane has a split personality, and does things she does not remember. This "smell" she talks about might very well be the wallpaper. Or is it? Is it her own self? Is it a symbol of her mind decaying? Or that she soon will be? She talks about the smell "in her hair; creeping all over the house; the yellow smell" (Gilman, 8) She soon becomes addicted to the wallpaper, and gets the yellow on her. Meaning she was pressed against the paper. Could she have wanted to get so close to this wallpaper to perhaps, become the wallpaper itself? For instance, she talks about a line all around the room. "There is a funny mark on the wall, low down, near the mop board. A streak that runs around the room..I wonder how it was done and who did it, and what they did it for. Round and round and round --round and round and round-- it makes me very dizzy" (Gilman, 8-9) It is very plausible that Gilman herself could have made those marks. Her mind seems to be a rollar coaster of bipolarism and confusion. One day she likes the house, the room, her husband, and the wallpaper. The next, she cannot stand all of them. Gilman, or her mind in that case, seem to be her own worst enemy, and her own salvation.
This website is informative on split personality disorders.
This website gives a clear definition on bipolar disorder and possible causes, as well as information on the illness.
Protagonist is the leading or one of the major character(s) in a drama, movie, novel, or text.
Antagonist is a character or a group of characters that opposes the protagonist(s) in a drama, movie, novel, or text.